#10715 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:
05:08 – Can we assume that St. Joseph was assumed into heaven like Mary?
08:35 – What are the parallels between Catholicism and classical theism?
17:15 – Is it possible for someone to live purgatory on earth?
21:35 – What options do I have as a Catholic if my child’s godparents are no longer Catholic?
29:20 – When do we take the bible literally and figuratively?
33:38 – How old do Catholics believe the earth is? How long do they believe it took God to create the cosmos?
36:44 – Do Psalm 32 and Deut. 32 point to a polytheistic understanding of heaven by the Israelites?
41:33 – How can Jesus judge the living and the dead as stated in the Creed?
44:02 – I’m considering conversion to Catholicism. The Marian dogmas are the main hang up. Where can I find more information on dogmas?
51:16 – Is it possible for the Church to add books to the bible? How could this happen?

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