#10694 Open Forum - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

06:47 – Could you unpack Mark 11:22-25? What is the proper interpretation of these verses?
14:38 – How do we respond to people who try to discredit Peter as the rock by saying that Jesus is the true rock? https://www.catholic.com/tract/peter-the-rock
21:34 – If baptism by desire is true and miscarried babies can also be saved, will they also receive their perfected bodies after the resurrection?
32:09 – Does Mt 6:7-9 contradict repetitively praying for a soul who I assume might be in purgatory?
Can baptized Catholics be claimed by demons since they’ve already been claimed by Christ?
43:33 – Do people have to have miracles attributed to them in order to be canonized?
47:56 – Does anywhere in Church teaching allow for charging fees for the sacraments? Is charging fees for sacraments licit?
52:13 – I’m not a Catholic and am really interested in apostolic succession. Do you have any resources you can share?

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