#10667 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

04:41 – Is the supper of the lamb in Revelation referencing the eucharist rather than the end times? 
16:31  – When the Father and the HS manifest at the Baptist and the Transfiguration, did the witnesses witness heaven and the beatific vision as well? How did the witnesses know who Jesus was talking to at the Transfiguration? 
20:40 – I found evidence in the early church fathers that the eucharist was symbolic and also the understanding of transubstantiation. What are your thoughts on the symbolic evidence? 
28:46 – What is the benefit of the Mass if you don’t receive communion? 
32:20 – Does the Catholic Church teach that men and women are equal? 
34:11 – If the material sufficiency view of scripture is true can’t protestants raise the same objections that Catholics use against them? 
42:32 – What was the temple meant to be used for during the time of Christ? 
47:23 – How would you explain transubstantiation to a protestant? 
49:42 – I’m Reformed Protestant and still struggle with the concept of sin. Can you help clarify? 

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