#10666 The Bible Blueprint for Confession - Karlo Broussard
Questions Covered:
15:05 – My protestant friends say that they have an advantage to forgive their sins. How do I answer them that it’s not an advantage?
24:05 – If you haven’t done a sorrowful examination of conscience and forget to confess something. Do I just forget it or do I still have to confess it? Would it invalidate my confession?
34:39 – I’m a new Catholic and I struggle with going to confession because I work myself up too much. How do I keep it together in the confessional? Resource: Catholic Answers Focus Episode “The Surprising thing that Brings Jesus Joy” (https://www.catholic.com/audio/caf/the-surprising-thing-that-brings-jesu...)
42:41 – I’m protestant hoping to become Catholic. I find it more trustworthy to confess to a priest rather than just confessing to “one another.”
46:41 – What part of our sins are not remitted during confession?
53:04 – Can a validly baptized Christian go to confession and be validly absolved?