#10644 Open Forum - Jim Blackburn

Questions Covered:

05:30 – Why do Catholics deny the idea of once saved always saved if in 1 Jn 3:6 it says, “Whoever keeps sinning has not known Jesus?” 
15:11 – With the recent mass shooting in Texas, is it safe to infer that God does not intervene in these situations due to the respect he has for free will?  
21:36 – What’s the Catholic perspective on the marriage of two protestants? Would the Church consider it a valid marriage? https://www.catholic.com/audio/caf/did-jesus-allow-some-divorce 
28:42 – If Christ gave himself fully for our sins why did he pray “Let this cup pass from me?” I know Catholics reject penal substitution. 
34:51 – Sirach 24:1-16 says that Jesus was created, and we proclaim in the Creed that he was “born of the Father before all ages.” So, is he created? 
40:43 – Do you believe the phrase “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle” is incompatible with the Catholic faith? 
48:02 – I’m watching The Chosen, and I saw before their meals they say the prayer “Blessed are you God…” but we as Catholics say “bless us oh Lord…” When did we start making this prayer centered on us instead of God? 
52:04 – How do we Catholics understand the bible especially since we’re told that the bible has changed multiple times? 

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