#10626 Open Forum for Non-Catholics - Karlo Broussard
Questions Covered:
08:06 – How much weight do regional councils hold, especially when looking back at history?
16:30 – If St Peter was martyred, how was he supposed to have laid hands on Pope Linus?
24:00 – How do we reconcile 1 John “Whoever denies Jesus denies the Father” with claims that Jews and Muslims worship the same God in Nostra Aetate?
37:03 – I recently had a lot of spiritual healings through Reiki done and I want to start developing my relationship with Jesus further. How do I deepen this relationship?
48:55 – In the Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena, there’s a line in the prayer that says that Mary is our Salvation. How do I explain this?
53:13 – What does the following phrase mean: God from God, light from light, True God from True God?