#10597 Parental Alienation - Debbie Georgianni

Questions Covered:

14:45 – What are your thoughts on one parent sharing all the terrible things the other parent did to the child? Is this protecting the child or hurting them? 
22:29 – I haven’t spoken to my mother for 15 years. Do I reconcile with my abusive mother? 
31:33 – How do you recover from being the targeted parent? How do you reconcile with the children? 
38:50 – I’m experiencing parental alienation. I feel like I’m still being targeted. How do I respond to his behavior? 
43:19 – I’m the victim of parental alienation. I’ve run out of ideas. What do I do now? 
49:27 – How can I get a relationship back with my kids? They won’t speak to me? 

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