#10593 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

02:08 – How far is too far with honoring a saint? 
06:13 – I am divorced and haven’t had an annulment.  Am I excommunicated? It lays very heavy on my heart. 
13:40 – What’s the biblical rebuttal to predestination? 
17:21 – Did Neanderthals have rational souls? 
31:27 – Why did Jesus not allow Mary Magdalene to touch him but allowed Thomas to touch him. What’s the best defense for the shroud of Turin being legitimate? 
39:57 – I’m Protestant. Do you have any resources on the Catholic and Protestant division? 20 answers 
43:39 – Duet. 18.21-22 How do we tell the difference between a prophecy that didn’t come true because it was conditional or one that didn’t come true because it wasn’t from God? 
49:39 – Regarding the Eucharist revealed on the road to Emmaus, what could possibly be the protestant interpretation of this story? 
52:44 – Why do Orthodox celebrate Easter a week later? 

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