#10590 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin
Questions Covered:
03:47 – Rev. 13:15. What is the image of the beast? Is it a statue, painting etc.? Is it symbolic?
12:32 – What would the Jews think of Jesus’ name? Were there other Jesus’ walking around?
15:12 – Could the Holy Family have traveled to Wales?
19:08 – Does the verse “If you do not carry your cross you cannot be my disciple” mean that the purpose in life is to suffer?
21:10 – Why did Matthew make the distinction of Petros and Petra in Mt. 16?
28:49 – Who was Lillith in the apocrypha?
41:35 – Book of wisdom. Since they refer to wisdom as female, could they be alluding to the Virgin Mary?
47:15 – Where is purgatory in the bible? Where do you find praying to the saints, especially Mary, in the bible?