#10572 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

04:57 – In Mt. 12:36 what exactly is meant by “idle word?”
12:10 – How can we best prepare for receiving the Eucharist?
15:16 – Is there a primary way of receiving grace and coming to know God’s love without having received the sacraments?
21:54 – Aside from prayer to God and Jesus, what exactly can Mary do?
28:30 – What does the Church teach about hypnosis and 3rd dimensions?
36:30 – In the Apostles Creed it says descended into hell. Did he actually go to hell?
42:08 – I listened to your debate with Dr. Bart Ehrman. In the end of the gospel of John, it uses the pronoun we when the author refers to himself. Could you help clarify?
48:37 – Will adding one word to our wedding vows make the sacrament invalid?
51:28 – In Rev. 17 how they map out the size of heaven with cubits. Why is there a size denomination applied to heaven?

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