#10570 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

07:24 – Is binding and loosing evidence for Papal infallibility? The early church writings claim an unblemished church of Rome, does that correlate to infallibility? 
18:45 – Why does the decree Sict Dudum only seek to protect Christians? 
22:28 – If you are in a gay marriage and repented and now living celibacy, do you have to get a divorce? 
31:26 – What has to happen for the Catholic Church to let gay men and women to get married? 
38:55 – If the Latin rite and the Eastern rites have different beliefs, how can they both be Catholics? 
45:10 – Why do Catholics not eat meat on Fridays during Lent? 
50:45 – Where are the elders in the Catholic Church? 
53:00 – My son married a non-Catholic outside of the Church and is now divorced. What does he have to do in order to be in good standing with the Church? 

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