#10571 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

02:15 – My son married a non-Catholic outside of the Church and is now divorced. What does he have to do to be in good standing with the Church? 
08:30 – Regarding the Miraculous Medal. It’s starting to sound like a superstition to me. Can you help clarify? 
13:48 – When we die, do we go to heaven now or in the final judgment? 
19:11 – How does the idea of original sin affect our everyday lives? 
29:32 – I’m a Baptist and had a change of heart on the Catholic Church. Is not becoming Catholic a grave matter? 
36:33 – How does the Catholic view on justification differ from the protestant view? 
44:22 – How do we know so much about angels? 
47:00 – On the requirements for the first Saturday devotion: Should we be meditating on all 15 mysteries or is it just one? 
50:15 – I’m coming into the Catholic Church. Where can I find the evidence for authority for private revelation in the Catholic Church? 

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