#10564 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

03:56 – Why is there an order of angels if each angel is its own species?
07:58 – What is the significance of Moses not entering the promised land?
13:32 – Can there really be 2 legitimate popes at the same?
16:20 – Can you discuss the Triduum?
18:19 – I had a confessor tell me that when we sin, we make ourselves enemies of God. Is this true? Do you think there is an unhealthy understanding of mortal sin?
28:37 – Is it ever permissible for a Catholic to take birth control? Is it ever permissible for a Catholic to have an abortion?
37:48 – What exactly has the Church defined as eschatology or the end times?
47:07 – What is the difference between Christ being with us till the end of the earth and his presence in the Eucharist?

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