#10558 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered: 

05:02 – Where is the earliest mention of the celebration of the Eucharist outside of the bible? 
12:17 – I ran into a claim that Jesus was actually King Tut. I heard it said that the name Tut also means “I Am that I Am.” Can you help refute it? 
14:38 – What would be the Catholic response to Dispensationalism? 
21:55 – Could I be a moral car salesman? 
24:13 – If God knew that I would be skeptical and that would lead to hell, does that mean that he created me just to suffer? 
29:34 – Does the Church have a teaching on the fundamental option? 
34:38 – I had a Protestant tell me that we don’t have a choice on which graces we receive from God. How do I respond to this? 
42:52 – During the Collect at Mass the priest no longer says, “One God forever and ever,” and now just says “God, Forever and Ever.” Why was there a change? 
45:46 – Where can I find in the bible that we are supposed to honor Mary and the saints? 
50:31 – If most of Protestant concerns for the Church have been answered, why is there still Protestantism? 

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