#10553 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

01:45 – How is it remotely right that annulment due to canonical form means that a person who was baptized Catholic but left the church in their teens and was married in a protestant church isn’t really considered married by the Catholic Church and they could get it annulled if they came back? How does this actually work and what am I misunderstanding because I don’t see how that’s remotely justified 
10:42 – What would you say to a protestant who doesn’t see the need to go to church on Sunday? 
15:03 – Is it wrong to address the Angel Gabriel as “archangel”? I have learned from Wikipedia that he is an archangel 2nd in command. Is it a Catholic teaching to acknowledge Gabriel as archangel, what is the difference between the two? 
18:48 – Since the LXX was the basis for our current Bible, why weren’t all of the LXX’s books included in the Bible? 
21:15 – Question 1: When are Catholics required to give their full assent to the teachings of the Church? I heard an apologist mentioned that we do not have to follow Pope Francis’s teaching on the death penalty since he was making a prudential judgment. 
23:15 – Question 2: Since the Latin Church is in communion with Byzantine Rite Catholic Churches. Does that mean that Rome has implicitly canonized the Saints in the Eastern Church that were Orthodox since these saints were after the Great Schism like Gregory of Palamas? 
24:28 – Jimmy, how do you respond to non-Catholics who ask about the number of Catholics who publicly criticize the Pope – they question our claim of unity. 
31:58 – Please shed light on what this is about. Matt 27: 52-53. the tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after his 
35:00 – Can you explain purgatory in adult terms. 
41:58 – What is transubstantiation? Is there a good example of change in substance in anything besides Eucharist that would help people understand Eucharistic transubstantiation? 
47:43 – If (or when) we welcome the Eastern Orthodox Churches back into the fold – what could that mean for the Table of Contents for our Bibles? What books could plausibly make the cut, so to speak? 3 Maccabees but not 4 Maccabees? 
51:55 – I know of holy water and blessed salt to protect my family from evil. What else should parents know to protect their families? 

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