#10551 The Why’s of Catholic Belief - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

02:00 – Why do we believe that Mary is in heaven with her glorified body and not Moses and the Old Testament prophets?
08:03 – Regarding the prayer for the faithful depart, why do we pray for the “faithful” departed and not the unfaithful?
13:28 – Our Lord died for our sins but why do we still have to pay for our sins in purgatory?
20:00 – Why do we not have the same belief of the Eucharist as with Protestants? And why do we have the body and blood and they don’t?
28:53 – How do we know that guardian angels don’t leave them when they become adults? Do adults have them too?
34:34 – How do you address a non-Catholic on Catholic issues who only believes what’s written in the bible?
43:00 – Follow up on communion question: Can you receive communion at different non-Catholic churches?
46:07 – Why do we believe that at the end of time the Jews will come to the Faith and Catholics will leave it?
50:19 – If the Catholic Church is the one true Church, why is there a distinction between Catholic and Christian?

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