#10549 Open Forum - Jim Blackburn

Questions Covered:

05:38 – In Deuteronomy 22:28-29 It talks about a man lying with a virgin. What does it mean from the Catholic perspective? 
16:12 – I’m a 2nd grade catechist. They want to know why God judged Adam and Eve so harshly? Why couldn’t it be just a teaching moment? 
22:22 – What if a person holds back a sin due to shame before their wedding? Will that person’s confession and marriage be valid? 
24:30 – Why did God direct the Israelites to kill the other nations who were occupying the promised land if we’re all God’s children? 
35:43 – I’m blind and I just wanted to tell Cy thank you and I love your audio book. 
41:25 – My protestant friend called me and told me that he was convinced that hell doesn’t exist. Could you explain if it does exist and how you get there?  How could it exist if Jesus died for everyone? 
48:46 – If the sacraments are efficacious should we expect a temporal manifestation of that grace? 
52:22 – I feel drawn to become Catholic. How can I approach this with parents who are deeply opposed? 

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