#10543 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

12:36 – Was the Lazarus that received the drop of water on his tongue the same Lazarus that was Mary and Martha’s brother? I hear of a lot of Mary’s apart from the Virgin Mary, are they all the same woman? 
17:31 – The pope said we have a moral obligation to take vaccines. Is this true? 
20:08 – I’m protestant and I’m exploring Catholicism. Where does one start with a true clear picture of Catholicism? 
29:33 – How can you be assured of your forgiveness of sins? In Purgatory you’re being purified from attachment, but I’ve read that people went to hell because of their attachment. Why wouldn’t they just go to purgatory? 
40:24 – I was told the word homosexuality was never mentioned in the bible up until 1946. Is this true? 
50:04 – I’ve heard it said that it was impossible for Jesus to sin. Could you explain? 

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