#10538 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

05:00 – Was the reading “love your enemies,” an image of how God responds to his enemies?
15:20 – Is there any theology for praying for the intercession of the souls of aborted children?
17:45 – I’ve heard it said that in Catholic theology the “means doesn’t justify the ends.” How do we reconcile this with solving the problem of evil?
20:28 – I don’t quite understand the joint declaration of justification between the Lutherans and the Catholics. Could you clarify it for me?
23:57 – On the invalid baptism: could you clarify, is it unsolvable unless someone goes back to check the documentation?
28:48 – Are you familiar with the Sermon of St. Leonard Port Mourice entitled “Few Are Saved.” What do you think about how the Church has shifted away from focusing on salvation, especially in homilies?
32:57 – Were Adam and Eve the people Cain was afraid of after he murdered his brother? Who else was there when Cain asked for the mark of protection?
39:38 – I read in the bible about silence being considered consent. I can’t seem to find it. Do you know where that would be?
43:08 – I’m a protestant but have decided to leave. Where would be a good place to start my research on why the Catholic Church is the one true Church? http://jimmyakin.com/why-be-catholic http://jimmyakin.com/why-i-am-not-eastern-orthodox
48:23 – I tend to read the bible as though God is speaking directly to me. What does the Church teach about this?

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