#10536 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

3:00 – What is the difference between propitiation, atonement, satisfaction, and expiation? 
7:46 – Regarding veiling in the Church, why was veiling not true for all time in the Church’s teaching? 
14:56 – My Jewish friend said he doesn’t accept Jesus as the Jewish messiah because Elijah didn’t come and didn’t fulfill the prophecy. How do I respond? 
21:39 – What does it mean when Jesus says that there are many rooms in his Father’s house? 
23:25 – Seeing as beliefs are not a choice but a compulsion, where do you stand regarding Romans 2: “People know what God is, it is written on their hearts, and they suppress it.” 
40:45 – How can there be a guard at Jesus’ tomb if it was the sabbath and they weren’t supposed to work on a sabbath? 
45:25 – Regarding almsgiving. What type of emphasis does the Church place on private property? 

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