#10529 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered:
02:35 – When we go to heaven does our knowledge of God continue to grow or does it stay the same?
12:44 – Was there a creed written in the Council of Trent?
16:23 – How can we answer the sedevacantist objection that the pope is legally elected but doesn’t have the authority of the pope?
22:17 – I’m reading St Augustine and I wanted to know, how do we reconcile free will and concupiscence?
33:56 – Is there a religious implication to the conflict in Ukraine right now?
41:44 – Everyone describes heaven with no more tears, but we keep getting messages from Mary that she’s saddened for souls? How do we reconcile this?
47:50 – Tim, you mentioned the seat of Moses in your CASA course, how does that play out for Christians after the resurrection?
52:49 – What lineage is Mary from? Was she from the line of David?

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