# Open Forum - Colin Donovan

Questions Covered:
03:57 – Is it possible for us as men who are living chaste appreciate a woman’s body without falling into sin? 
13:31 – Is 1 Corinth 3:11-15 a typological reference Wisdom 3:1-7? 
16:23 – What is one’s personal responsibility when it comes to end of life issues? 
24:46 – I’ve asked my husband to pray together during lent and it still hasn’t happened. How can I encourage him to pray with me? 
31:17 – I’m a convert but I still struggle with the teaching purgatory. I feel as though the verse “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord” supports people going to heaven. Can you help clarify it for me? 
43:27 – How can you show a protestant the truth of the Catholic faith when they don’t know the bible or doctrine? 
49:44 – I try to pray without ceasing but when I’m praying, I feel my peace goes away for a bit and comes back. Can that be attributed to evil or dark entities? 

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