#10467 Gender - Jason Evert

Questions Covered:

17:15 – Deuteronomy 22:5 talks about how men that dress in women’s clothes are condemned and looked at in a negative manner. Is that talking about transgenderism, and can that be applied today?
21:26 – With the young adult peer group I have, how do I speak the truth to my friends about chastity and gender without being insensitive and hurting their feelings?
31:30 – How do you know if your child is going through a transition without you knowing about it?
37:11 – We are grandparents of a 15-year-old girl that we’ve heard is thinking about transitioning. She’s threatening to commit suicide if everyone doesn’t support her. How can we deal with and help this situation?
45:10 – How can we as Catholics provide outreach to people that are dealing with this gender situation and do so in a way that is non-judgmental?
52:26 – I saw a study that said transgender identity can be linked to brain activity. Is this true?

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