#10457 Friendship with Jesus - Marcellino D'Ambrosio
Questions Covered:
12:00 – I don’t feel a very good connection to our Lord. How can I make that connection deeper?
17:03 – Does the devil or anything evil make miracles like Jesus?
22:12 – I teach CCD and my student asked, “If God is all knowing and knew that Judas was going to betray him, why did he choose him as a disciple?”
29:03 – What are your book recommendations on building our relationship with God?
13:47 – I had a priest tell me that the particles of the Eucharist don’t contain the real presence of Jesus. Is this true? He was referring to the video of the priest that had a mystical experience at mass and said their church wouldn’t be receiving on the hand anymore. He took it in a negative direction.
40:17 – How do you help get youth to have a relationship with Jesus? I work specifically with teenagers.
43:08 – How can we be as perfect as Jesus?
45:02 – I’ve been on a journey of “sainthood” and in the midst of 2 years, I feel like I haven’t gone anywhere. I think what I’m missing is that relationship with Jesus. I don’t know how to have one. Can you help me?
48:54 – How important is it to spend some time with Jesus every day to develop a friendship?
51:20 – A good friend said, “Don’t say God, say Jesus”. Is there something I can do to promote that closer friendship to the triune God? Are we supposed to refer to one person more than the others?