#10440 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

04:30 – In the beginning of your book Pope Peter, you talk about how it’s a deficiency that protestants talk about the visible and invisible church. Why do you view it as a deficiency to have this viewpoint?
13:51 – In scriptures in the Old Testament, how do we know that God actually said what he said? Also, how did God speak to these people and how did they know he was speaking to them?
21:34 – What makes a confession valid? If a priest hears a confession, is it only valid if he’s in communion with Rome?
29:34 – How are patron saints chosen?
35:38 – Where in the bible does Jesus teach that pre-marital sex is a sin?
41:00 – My stepson is 9 but he has psychological disabilities in which he has rage fits where he throws things and says bad things. Does he need confession every week in order to receive the sacraments because of what he says and does?
50:25 – Why does Christmas have one “s” at the end, but when we separate “Christ” and “mass” there are two s’s?

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