#10421 Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions - Karlo Broussard
Questions Covered:
03:30 – How does the 8th day play into the sabbath?
18:40 – How do we respond to the object that we’re just picking and choosing what the church fathers said?
29:45 – Can you articulate the difference between what happened on the cross from a Reformed Christian position and the Catholic position? If you could start at the death of Jesus and go through the resurrection, not leaving out the Reformed Protestant/Calvinist position of feeling the wrath of God.
41:10 – Was it necessary for Christology for Jesus to be virgin-born?
45:20 – I’m not Catholic but at Christmas time I always watch the mass. How far back do the rituals of the mass go?
48:50 – What is the evidence that the Church believed in the Immaculate Conception before it was defined? Were there any early church fathers that believed in it before it was defined?