#10418 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

04:20 – Why is it that lay people cannot offer the Eucharist, at least to a limited capacity/ privately? 
12:47 – What are some ways or methods to prove Apostolic Succession, going back to the apostles? 
18:56 – Is it a contradiction that God is both perfectly merciful and perfectly just? 
29:39 – I’m a recovering alcoholic and my kids told me I lashed out and that they prayed over me/ performed an exorcism. I ended up becoming sober a month later, but I have no memory of any of it. Can you tell me if it was valid? 
40:30 – When we recite the creed, we say Jesus “will come again to judge the living and the dead”. If Jesus died for our sins, how does judgement come into play later on? 
4:17 – Is it ok to take the COVID vaccine if it’s been tested on aborted fetal cells? 
50:44 – I have friends who are bible Christians, and they have an aversion to Mary and the rosary. How can I respond to them saying that because it’s not in the bible, it’s not valid? 

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