#10419 Open Forum - Fr. Paul Keller O.P.

Questions Covered:

04:47 – Do you think there’s going to be a future with the Latin Mass or is the Pope trying to get rid of it entirely? 
12:24 – According to Protestantism, they repent, their sins are forgiven, and they go to heaven. If we as Catholics don’t confess them to a priest, they are not forgiven, and we cannot go to heaven. Why is it that our terms are different? 
21:43 – Paragraph 603 of the Catechism says, “Jesus assumed us in the state of our waywardness of sin”. Could you unpack and clarify this? I understand the son of God became a human being with all of our characteristics other than sin. If this is true, then how did He have “waywardness” Himself? 
30:02 – John 3 says you need to be baptized to be saved. Luke 7 says your faith saves you. How did the woman in Luke get saved without Baptism? 
36:23 – My daughter is having problems with fertility and her OB GYN is recommending she freeze her eggs. What is the Catholic Church’s view on this and fertility? 
45:58 – Simon says to her, “Behold this child is destined for the rise and fall of many, and as a sign that will be contradicted, a sword will pierce so the thoughts of many will be exposed.” What is being contradicted and what is this sword that is piercing? Why is Mary’s heart being pierced taken only mystically and not literally? 
50:51 – I was invited to a New Year’s party with friends and I know there is going to be excessive drinking and sexual immorality. What is the church’s stance on scandal and how would it relate to my situation? 

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