#10414 Ask a Priest - Fr. Matthew Spencer

Questions Covered:

05:10 – We were just informed that our granddaughter is bisexual and has a friend that is becoming transgender. How do we treat this situation? 
12:47 – I am recently divorced. I’ve already talked to a priest, and he said we have grounds for annulment. How soon should I go about starting this process? 
18:20 – What is the point of elevation during mass? 
21:46 – My family friend bought a book for Christmas and the past 5 or 10 years, the author has been implicating the Holy Father in nefarious end time prophecies. Can I trust him and his book regarding these prophecies? 
29:41 – I had a friend get a chapel veil for a Christmas present. Could you tell me more about it? When and how did it come about and when is it appropriate to wear one? 
32:03 – How are we supposed to deal with someone that is in a same-sex relationship at our church? They’re in a leadership position and actively leading young people astray. It seems like no one else is dealing with it. 
40:58 – I haven’t gotten the vaccine yet and I don’t know if it’s right or wrong. If I get it, will I go to hell? 
47:00 – My favorite translations of the bible are the King James and the New King James versions. As long as I am reading the deuterocanonical parts in the Catholic Bible, is it wrong to read from these Protestant versions? Is there anything anti-Catholic in these versions? 
50:49 – I want to gain a better understanding of priests and the orders they choose. How do they go about choosing one and when? Also, do they have to stay a part of that order the rest of their lives or can they switch? 

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