#10412 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

03:40 – What do Ch 65 and 66 mean in terms of a new heaven and new earth? Does sabbath rest on Saturday night and Sunday night still apply? 
14:00 – If you are getting someone the sacraments in an extraordinary matter and you have doubts if they know of the necessary truths, is it ok to share those truths with that person? How can someone validly receive last rites if they’re not Catholic? 
18:25 – Is it possible for humans to communicate with animals telepathically other than just speaking? 
28:50 – I’m seriously considering joining the Catholic Church but I have problems with how Catholicism changes what the bible says. For example, where it says “Eat the bread and drink the wine,” however, I have yet to go to a Catholic church that serves the wine. 
35:10 – I haven’t gone through confirmation yet but I want to change rites, from the Latin rite to Byzantine rite. How can I go about that? 
39:25 – In your opinion, what’s a cool story in the Old Testament to do for a bible study? 
43:10 – Is there a difference between dogma and doctrine? 
46:30 – I’ve seen a few Catholics that use a red ribbon or red thread kind of like a bracelet to keep away bad spirits. Is this allowed? Could it also be used so that you yourself don’t pass along evil to others? 
51:00 – Why do people think that John the Baptist was Jesus?

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