#10411 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

05:10 – What is the meaning of Matthew 24:28 because it’s translated differently. One says “where the carcass is the vultures will gather”. Another says “where the body is the eagles will gather”. Is it talking about the church and the saints? If so, why do some translations not seem that way?
15:30 – What is happening in the book of Tobit to Sarah’s previous husband? Is God allowing the demons to kill the husband? Or is it more figurative? 
16:52 – My son was saying he doesn’t understand in Job why God is allowing all these things to happen to Job. He thinks it’s unfair and that it’s really then the work of the devil. How can I explain why God is allowing these things to happen? 
21:58 – What are some resources I can use to better understand the bible? 
24:12 – What is the connection between 1st Thessalonians Ch 4:14 and the assumption of Mary? It’s in my rosary pamphlet so I was wondering if you could offer any other passages connected to the assumption to better meditate on it. 
31:52 – How best can you read the bible and fully understand it? Are there any resources to use so that I can be sure not to just take everything literally? 
39:00 – Is Joachim’s (Mary’s Earthly Father) name in the Bible? 
41:42 – I’m having trouble interpreting the moment where Jesus is with the apostles, and they see someone is spreading the word of Jesus and they don’t want to hear about it but Jesus says they’re an ally. How can we say that the Catholic church is the true church while excusing the fact that people are part of other denominations? 
46:16 – The Old Testament mentions some animals that we’re not supposed to eat because they’re “dirty”. Are we fully allowed to consume animals even though this is mentioned? 
51:01 – What did Martin Luther do to alter the original bible scriptures to make them his own? 
52:44 – For the virgin birth prophecy in Isaiah 7:14, is it a dual prophecy or is it only for the virgin birth? 

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