#10409 Open Forum - Fr. John Trigilio

Questions Covered:

05:57 – What is the difference between salvation and redemption? Who paid the cost for redemption? 
07:56 – I’m a revert and I found out that since my wife and I were married outside the church, it’s not found valid. Can I have some clarification as to how our marriage is seen in the eyes of the church and how to go about this “hiatus” until we get it validated? 
13:41 – Is there any reference in the bible to there being a “mother” God or a female figure God? 
17:41 – If you’re going to have a religious practice that’s trying to study the heart and mind of reality, why wouldn’t your religion be totally scientifically based, Catholicism seems to always be on the coattails of science. 
21:47 – I had a Methodist friend who argued for female ordination and brought up St Paul mentioning Junia, saying she was “honored among the apostles”. Could you talk about this and what it means in terms of females being able to be ordained? 
30:55 – At the 2019 Amazon summit that met at the Vatican, what did the Pachamama statue that was presented to the pope symbolize? Was it the Virgin Mary or “mother earth”? 
35:56 – How is there one God but then when talking about the trinity, it is said that God is then each of the three parts as well? 
44:19 – A Lutheran friend said Christianity is the only religion where works are not required for salvation. Could you please give me a Catholic response to this? 
49:00 – I’m a new Catholic. Once a month the priest gives a priestly blessing on new couples married within that month. He raises his hand to give that blessing. The parishioners raise their hands toward the couples as well but I never do it. What is the right way? 

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