#10407 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

07:26 – Where I live, any gathering of more than 50 people requires you to be vaccinated. Some masses are being restricted to vaccinated persons only. What’s the moral procedure in requiring this sort of thing in order to receive the sacraments?
17:30 – Where did the King David star come from?
21:58 – If I have a child out of wedlock, am I able to receive communion after going to confession?
28:53 – I’ve noticed some books have two stamps that go on the front of books that say they’ve been reviewed by the bishop and/or are free from doctrinal error. Why would some books that deal with doctrine choose not to be reviewed and approved in this way?
33:16 – I had a discussion with someone about praying to Mary and I said that Jesus obeyed the commandment to honor his mother and father. How do I respond to him asking if Jesus prayed to Mary?
36:42 – Is it true that when you receive Jesus that you are also receiving a part of Mary?
44:48 – Why would being vegetarian or vegan be against our faith?
48:25 – Why do Catholics pray to St. Michael and call him “thou” rather than “you” as if he is superior to humans?

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