#10405 The Early Church Was the Catholic Church - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

07:02 – Is holy orders necessary for someone to receive a valid sacrament from them? 
17:03 – Did the Catholic Church start novenas? 
21:53 – Is it ok for Christians to uphold some stoic thought? Also was Saint Paul influenced by stoicism at all? 
25:09 – How did the early Christians interpret the words “the Holy Catholic Church” in the Apostles Creed? 
32:45 – I heard that Augustine taught that baptism was done “ex opere operato”, but the fathers before him taught that it was through faith. Why is that? 
36:45 – I was reading your book Pope Peter and you had a different interpretation to Galatians Ch 2. How did you come to the conclusion that the James that’s being spoken about is James, son of Zebedee and not James, son of Altheas? 
43:00 – If I belong to a church that is in communion with Rome, like Lutheran or Orthodox, then why should I become Catholic? 
50:01 – When did the Tabernacle start to become instituted? 

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