#10402 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

04:11 – From a Catholic perspective, is there any guidance or are there any rules regarding an age difference in a marriage? 
06:48 – Who are the scribes and Pharisees that sit on the seat of Moses in Matthew 23:2? 
13:37 – Does the church have any teachings about loved ones coming to visit us in our dreams? Is there anything in the bible that talks about it? 
16:50 – Jimmy, you did a joint podcast with a Lutheran named Jordan B Cooper. What do you think it would take for Lutherans to be back in communion with the Catholic Church? 
17:02 – What is to be said about the salvation of people of other religions that are very devoted to their practice of it? 
29:55 – Lucifer was supposed to be the second most powerful being before he fell from heaven. How is Saint Michael able to defeat him if he’s not as powerful as him? 
29:55 – Lucifer was supposed to be the second most powerful being before he fell from heaven. How is Saint Michael able to defeat him if he’s not as powerful as him? 
35:50 – Have you ever been invited to or thought to go on an evangelical or Pentecostal panel or show? 
43:13 – When Jesus draws the line in the dirt, are there any lessons he wants to teach us in what he’s doing? 
49:32 – Why is it that when a bishop bestows a blessing on the congregation, he does the sign of the cross three times, but when a priest does it, it’s just once? 
51:23 – I recently started RCIA. This Christmas, all my children are going to be here and I’m going to tell them I’m coming into the church. I know they’re going to bring up scandals within the Catholic Church. Could you give me some advice on how to respond to this, as well as some general advice on how to tell them I’m entering? 

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