#10374 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

04:57 – How can only the Father know, in Mark 13:32, “the day or the hour”?
11:40 – When John the Baptist says to “repent and believe in the gospel,” what is he referring to? I thought the gospel was Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
17:30 – What point is Jesus making in Luke 11:24-26 when he says that after an unclean spirit leaves a person it comes back with seven more?
21:33 – How do you reply to the objection against Mary’s sinlessness that says other people in the Bible are addressed in the same way as the angel addressed her?
28:37 – Why did women stop wearing veils in Church when the Bible clearly says they should?
33:45 – How do I study Revelation from a Pentecostal background?
36:36 – Where is the idea of Holy Orders found in the Bible? And does the Bible ever address why we can’t receive the sacraments validly apart from Holy Orders?
44:22 – Why did God stop Abraham from sacrificing Isaac but didn’t stop Jephthah from sacrificing his daughter?
48:28 – Where is it said that suffering is an “amoral evil,” as I once heard a priest say?

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