#10355 Open Forum - Fr. Hugh Barbour, O. Praem.

Questions Covered:

01:13 – Jesus says to the thief, “today you will be with me in paradise.” So he actually went that same day up to heaven? Can you explain?
05:15 – I love the Latin Mass and am very involved at my parish. Many of my friends would describe themselves as “traditional” and often the first question they ask visitors is “what Latin Mass do you attend.” They seem to be missing some key elements. How can I help them?
15:14 – Is Medjugorje an approved apparition? Should a faithful Catholic visit there?
18:52 – How is bilocation not a logical contradiction?
29:10 – How do we Catholics delineate what political stuff we can be involved in and what we shouldn’t be involved in? Separation of church and state?
32:07 – Did Jesus really mean it when he said to turn the other cheek?
41:01 – In prayer, when are we supposed to strike our breasts?
46:47 – Are aerial toll-houses true? I’ve heard about toll-houses from Orthodox Christians and many of them believe it.

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