#10350 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

4:11 – Do the saints who go to heaven bypass purgatory because they’ve become perfectly sanctified or is there another reason like a special grace?
08:19 – Is Jimmy a fan of the Ozark Mountain Daredevils?
14:30 – Is it sinful to watch media that takes the Lord’s name in vain?
18:40 – What would the feeling be if we were in heaven but our loved ones didn’t make it? Would we be sad?
22:50 – What’s the best way to introduce my significant other to Catholicism?
28:25 – How accurate is C.S. Lewis’s space trilogy scientifically?
33:15 – It seems like we don’t have free will because our choices are either caused or uncaused. If they’re uncaused, then they’d be random; but if they’re caused, there’d be a chain of causality going back outside ourselves so they wouldn’t be our choices. What’s the Catholic resolution to this?
45:08 – Where is hell?
48:06 – Should I have a litmus test for a parish before I join?
50:48 – If the priest prays the apostolic prayer over you before you die, do you skip purgatory?

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