#10343 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

02:35 – How do I explain to someone that when we pray and bow to God it’s worship, but when we do it to Mary it’s not? And how do I address someone who says that when we pray to saints it’s actually praying to demons? 
15:14 – How do we respond to an atheist who says it doesn’t matter how you live because Catholics believe you just have to go to confession and get your sins forgiven? 
22:40 – What’s the Catholic definition of apocryphal books? And why do we sometimes refer to the author of a book in the Bible as “the inspired author” when we usually know who they are? 
28:40 – If we could convert aliens, could they become priests? 
34:10 – Do you know anything about remote neural monitoring and whether that’s how the antichrist plans to take over the world? 
42:14 – Why don’t Protestants accept that Peter is the rock that Jesus built his Church on? 
45:00 – What’s the actual job of the guardian angels? And what’s the difference between a guardian angel and an archangel? 
48:40 – How authoritative is the Didache in the Catholic Church? If it has authority, why don’t we refer to it more often? 
50:28 – How can I get a rosary? 

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