#10338 Open Forum - Fr. Hugh Barbour, O. Praem.

Questions Covered:

02:35 – Is it possible to sin in a dream?
05:47 – We know Jesus didn’t sin, but the Gospels say he matured. What does that mean?
11:39 – I read from Richard Rohr that Hell isn’t a real place, and that it isn’t so much a place as a state of being. What exactly is the difference between those?
18:59 – Why does the woman in Revelation wail aloud in labor pains if she was Mary and therefore born without sin?
22:23 – I’ve been told by Eastern Orthodox that they don’t believe in purgatory because of the treasury of merit. What is your take on that?
34:41 – How will we recognize when Jesus comes back?
37:17 – Are traditional indigenous dances allowed during Mass?
45:04 – Why is the Holy Spirit the third person in particular?
48:19 – Is it wrong to protest Nebraska Medical Center for not allowing EWTN on their televisions?
51:03 – Was Judas a sinner?

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