#10332 Open Forum - Tom Nash

Questions Covered:

04:25 – My spouse has a severe porn addiction. We’ve tried so many ways to break it but it seems like it’ll never stop. How can I raise my children so they won’t be harmed also?
14:41 – What does it mean when people say “Offer it up to God”?
16:30 – Do you believe that we’re coming close to the end times based on what we know from Revelation and what’s happening in the world today?
21:13 – When does Genesis go from being literal history to poetic, symbolic literature?
35:03 – How can I find a good priest in my area? Do you have any recommendations?
43:20 – Why do we believe that the deposit of faith ended with the Apostles? I’m in a discussion with Mormons who are strongly pressing me on this.
48:15 – Since one of the founders of the neocatechumenal way, Carmen Hernandez, is being considered for beatification, would that remove some of the negative perceptions surrounding it?
52:40 – When we say the Our Father, why do we leave off “For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, now and forever”?

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