#10320 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

03:59 – I’m a Protestant and I’m wondering about regenerative baptism and Acts 10. How does it fit in with the Holy Spirit being upon them before and them being baptized because of it? 
11:38 – Last Sunday the gospel was “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a wealthy person to get to heaven”. What does Jesus truly mean by that? 
21:52 – What is the true name of the Messiah? I’ve heard that it’s Jesus but I’ve heard others as well. 
28:49 – I read in the New Testament that Jesus had brothers. Is this true? 
35:51 – Could you compare the passage Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” with Sirach 3:18-19 in terms of humility? 
42:05 – In 1 Corinthians chapter 7 when St. Paul tells those who he’s speaking to to be celibate like him, is he speaking to administrators or the congregation of laity? 
49:20 – In the bible it says Adam and Eve made original sin, so why is Mary the only one in the entire universe born without original sin? 
51:11 – We have a soul and pray, go to confession, etc. to improve it, but did Jesus have a soul like us?

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