#10312 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin
Questions Covered:
04:41 – I know the bible was divinely inspired, but I don’t understand the discrepancies between the gospels.
14:20 – How can I explain original sin without Adam and Eve?
19:53 – Could you explain the part of the Nicene creed where it says “begotten not made, consubstantial with the Father”?
29:00 – I have bought candles from the store and got them blessed. All the candle wax has been used, is the glass blessed as well? If so, is there a certain way I have to dispose of it?
30:33 – Did John the Baptist have a beatific vision about himself when Mary went to visit her cousin and he leapt in the womb?
36:02 – I heard Adam had a helper before Eve named Lillith, is this true?
41:25 – I believe the Holy Spirit is the female side of God because I think there has to be some sort of female part of him to have brought a spouse for Adam. Could you explain why everything about God is male oriented?
50:20 – If the body of Christ happens to drop on the floor, is there a special procedure to go about dealing with it?
52:29 – How would the Greek language have applied to everyday life of the gospel writers and the Septuagint being written in Greek?
Resources Mentioned:
How the Accounts of Jesus’ Childhood Fit Together