#10313 Open Forum - Mark Brumley

Questions Covered:

04:13 – My understanding is that according to Catholic Teaching, you’re not supposed to deprive your spouse. Given that Mary took a vow of perpetual virginity, why did she enter into marriage if she knew that she and Joseph would not create a child? 
17:37 – Was Jesus ever married and what language did he speak? 
24:13 – Could there be new doctrines formulated in the next 500 years as The Church changes? Specifically ones about St. Joseph (how we honor him, how he could be more important, etc.) 
46:24 – In the Apostle’s Creed when it says “He descended into hell and on the third day…”, are those three days Friday, Saturday, and Sunday? 
52:14 – Is it ok for me as a Catholic to attend a Protestant bible study? I was invited by a friend. 

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