#10311 Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

03:50 – In Matthew 12:48 – 50, Jesus asks “who is my brother?” what does he mean by this? And in the Hail Mary, why do we say Mary is the mother of God if she is only the mother of the 2nd person of the trinity? 
14:50 – I’m a cradle Catholic but my father was a Presbyterian and we have had discussions about Mary having other children. I accept the dogma, but I’ve never quite had a definitive answer for it.
22:45 – I have a friend who became Protestant, and he was wondering how the saints can hear our prayers. 
31:00 – I was a protestant but became Catholic two years ago. I was baptized at 12 years old, and when I went to RCIA they said that was ok. Why do we not have to be baptized again in the Catholic church? 
34:40 – The church says Mary and Joseph were virgins, but if they were married, don’t you need to have consummated the marriage to be considered husband and wife? 
42:00 – I just became a Catholic 6 months ago. If Mary planned to be a perpetual virgin, then why did she get married? 
45:00 – Why don’t Catholics postpone baptism until they’re older to decide for themselves like Protestants? Or, why don’t they have a 2nd baptism? 

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