#10309 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

01:45 – I called a couple months ago about why I should be Catholic, and I’m now in RCIA. What advice would you give to people that are in RCIA? 
07:30 – I heard your previous answer to how we can believe in evolution and still be Catholic. The one thing that trips me up though is how Jesus will sometimes refer to Adam and Eve, so is this Jesus saying himself and confirming that they were the first people? 
17:30 – Could you talk about dying in a state of grace? If you die and haven’t been to confession, what happens? 
21:30 – As an Anglican converting to Catholicism, indulgences and purgatory are new to me. Could you explain them? 
36:40 – Why do people call Mary holy? I’m pretty sure it isn’t stated anywhere in the bible.  
45:38 – In scripture or in writings of the church fathers, did Saint Paul acknowledge and submit to Saint Peter’s authority? 
51:12 – How do Catholics resolve piety and God illustrated in Socrates and Euthyphro?

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