#10306 Open Forum - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

05:15 – In the Roman Catholic Church we are told to ask Saints for their intercession. Why are we not encouraged to pray to those of the Old Testament that don’t have the title “Saint”? 
10:00 – Why are there so many questions that come into Catholic Answers about the difference/confusion between predestination vs earned salvation? 
17:35 – Are Christians who die defending the faith martyrs? 
23:00 – Are our Guardian Angels “reassigned” after our deaths? And are the choirs of angels mirrored in hell? 
28:48 – How are we to understand the story of Jonah without believing he was actually swallowed by a whale and lived in one for 3 days? 
31:47 – Does the church have any reasoning to say whether Adam, the first man, was a modern human or a precursor? 
35:05 – If we believe that Mary is without sin, and since Jesus died for our sins because he was without sin, why couldn’t Mary have died on the cross for our sins? 
42:40 – Why have the rules changed that a Catholic can be cremated? Do the rules still hold that they should be buried in a Catholic Cemetery? 
48:20 – What does the Church teach about good members of non-Christian religions and their ability to enter the kingdom of God? 
51:28 – How is the authority that priests are given passed on to lay men to handle the consecrated Eucharist?

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