#10299 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

02:25 – What would you say to someone that is interested in joining the church but the idea of having to go to a class to join the church is off-putting to them? 
11:05 – I heard a point made from a person that the crumbs of the host of the holy eucharist is somewhat an exaggeration of reverence how it is treated. Back in ancient history when they used real bread, not wafer, when broken and shared, it inevitably made breadcrumbs fall on the ground and they did not treat it with as much prudence as they do now? 
15:07 – Can a person with ADHD be at fault for the constant distractions that happen during Mass or prayer? 
17:51 – I’ve heard of a Mass celebrated where the Homily was done through a video call, where the priest was in another location, and broadcasted in Mass as the Homily. Is this ok? 
20:33 – Are Guitars and Drums allowed in mass? Also, is it good to have them used in liturgical celebrations? 
23:02 – Should we as Catholics allow synthetic intelligences full voting rights? 
28:58 – What is the best step a person can take to get over scrupulosity? 
33:15 – Why do we call priests father? Doesn’t the Bible tell us that we’re not to call anybody father except God the father? 
41:49 – How efficacious is mental prayer compared to verbal prayer? Should one ever be specifically used in place of the other? 
44:27 – Is there any resource where it gives a Catholic summary or commentary of every chapter of every book in the Bible? Especially reading the Prophetic books, it kind of helps if there’s an explanation for each chapter. 
47:07 – Can you explain why, if I’m understanding correctly, a marriage between two baptized protestants would be presumed valid while a marriage between a protestant and lapsed Catholic would not? 
50:42 – How does one discern if they have given into a lustful thought?

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