#10291 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

02:30 – If a pitcher intends to deceive a batter with a pitch, is this considered lying? 
07:20 – What is the point of having a priest offer a sacrifice at the altar when Jesus is interceding for us before the Father? 
14:53 – Lisa…Mounds, OK…EWTN app….Why did John the Baptist send emissaries out to find out who Jesus was? Didn’t he know who he was as his cousin? 
18:34 – Is there a theological justification for saying “G—D— it”? Like, I want God to take this bad thing I did and get it as far away from me as possible. 
22:10 – Why is the COVID-19 vaccine so controversial when other very common vaccines are made with the same connection to abortion? Why isn’t there as much controversy over those? 
28:41 – What should I do about the seeming disconnect between Catholic groups and clergy on the morality of vaccines? How should I interpret the different statements between what Bishops say and what Catholics around me say? 
35:27 – When did the celestial battle between the devil and the angels take place? 
40:00 – Why doesn’t the Church issue anathemas anymore? 
44:05 – What is Jesus’s origin? Was he born in time, or was he from all eternity through the Father? 
46:03 – Why did Vatican II change who could touch the host? Before, only the priest could, but now other people can too. 
51:20 – How do we know which verses in the Bible we can interpret for ourselves and which ones have a fixed, doctrinally defined meaning? 

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