#10289 Open Forum - Fr. Hugh Barbour, O. Praem.

Questions Covered

03:43 – Is the sacrifice of the Mass properly understood as one sacrifice applied to each individual? 
15:03 – If you get a divorce, as a Catholic, can you remarry? If you do remarry, is it considered adultery? 
18:02 – Should one receive the Eucharist while feeling pregnancy nausea? 
22:04 – Is the Eucharist the true body and blood of Jesus, or is it just a symbol? 
36:15 – What’s the charism and short history of the Norbertines? 
43:34 – How are people who join the armed forces following Jesus’s command to turn the other cheek? 
51:58 – If a couple got married in the Church but then divorced, are they allowed to live together as long as they’re not intimate, like roommates? 

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